I arrived to the rain that was predicted. I think Aussies forecasts their weather far better than us Canuck's.
My first sighting of the infamous Sydney Opera House was cloud cover and pouring rain but hey, I am still in Australia. The flight was long but well tolerated owing to the two wonderful seat mates I had for the 2nd long 14 hour flight. Remind me never to fly United Airlines again. It is now 9:30 pm Monday evening....I think.....I don't know. I have lost track. Nonetheless, I can't believe I am finally here. We had a few cafe late, followed by some afternoon drinking outside on the porch of a local pub and then switched to champagne and a nice home cooked fish and veggie meal.
Karin: If you can, go and pick up some more smoked BC salmon at Loblaws. Tobi loves the stuff. If you bring any food, be sure to declare it all: I did and only lost the Manitoba wild rice and 1 fresh green apple. The Aussies are VERY protective of their environment and x-ray and search your bags for everything. Understandably for this island continent. You will be right at home - 2 dogs and 2 cats here!
It is wonderful to see Michelle and Tobi. I am looking forward to a nice relaxing week of prepping for the party on Saturday and meeting all the friends and family. We will spend 2 night in a hotel in Manly overlooking the Sydney harbour for the ceremony Saturday....a facial and massage followed by more drinking and relaxing are on the agenda this week . It all sounds good to me!
For tonight, I am looking forward to a nice good night sleep in a normal recumbent position! I hope the rain is gone by the weekend. There is flooding with torrential downpour - very unusual I am told!
Glad you made it safe dear!! And I'm not surprised they loved the BC Smoked Salmon!!
It's sunny here right now and about 2C. Tomorrow is rain and 8C - not bad for Feb.
A few more days and we'll both be communicating via blogs!!!
Have a drink for me and say hi to Michelle and Tobi!!
hey there. So happy to hear that you arrived safely and with BC Salmon intact. How is the jetlag?
Saw the boys. Jersey got a 10 minute chin scratch. He's very happy at present.
Hey Lisa. I'm just so happy and excited to hear from you and glad that you arrived safely. It's Monday evening about 10 p.m. and I've just returned from a massage. It's pouring rain here too. I have four more sleeps before I make my way downunder--Yipee!!!! I can't wait to see you and look forward to meeting Michelle, Tobi and the fur babies.
For sure I'll bring some smoked salmon and anything else you want.
Glad to hear you are there and already partying.
Have a great time
Hey Lisa,
we didnt get to say good bye..
hope you are having a good time.
gxtcvhHallo Karin.Bob just explined to me how to get a Message to you. I hope I am doing it rihgt, since he sent the instructiones via Computer.The next time you could send an E.Mail (josephbauer@rogers.com).Bob probobly told you,that we have a lot of snow.Oncle Herman missed the worst by leaving for Mexico.He is aways lucky that way.Mother is shovelling Snow,seems there is no end to it. Once again greetings from Mom and me Love Ma +Pajdzkk
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